
Maximizing Android Camera

Maximizing Android Camera

 Maximizing Android Camera is to help you increase the quality of your camera phone photos, explore and redefine the limitations of your camera phone limitations, and give some general photography advice. I will not be covering in-phone photo editing, editing programs including Photoshop Express, Vignette, and the like, or exploring anything other than the stock Android camera phone software found on 2.2 – FroYo.
This guide will be laid out in three parts;
  1. Hardware - cameras and how they differ between digital SLRs, point and shoots, and cell phone cameras
  2. Software and what it does
  3. Redefining the limitations of your camera phone and working within them (with examples!). Also known as tips, tricks, and how-to.
All of this has been tested on Droid X and G2/HTC Sapphire. The beauty of photography is that we all can learn from each other. 

Cameras have evolved from a complex photo-reactive chemical coating on a plate to a complex photo-reactive sensor behind a piece of glass. Unfortunately, that simplistic view is akin to saying that astronomy is just flying around outside Earth’s atmosphere. This section is about how camera hardware differs between their uses and builds.

SoftwareDSLRs are able to shoot in a format called RAW. This is about three times the size of a JPG file with three times the data. It’s ideal for photo manipulation in, say, Photoshop. They are also able to shoot in jpg. When a camera, any camera, anywhere shoots in JPG mode, they do their own batch of photo processing to the original data. Phone algorithms for processing differ between manufacturers or programming, as do those for any DSLR or point and shoot. My suspicion is that Android has a standard set of protocols and algorithms for photo processing which manufacturers tend to leave alone, except for the user interface and menu layout.

Tips, tricks, and expanding your camera phone’s limitations
Congratulations on making it this far. So far, this guide has used over 83 twitter messages worth of characters, five pages (this is the second line of page six) of single-spaced word processing, and about five hours of writing.
For more details on how to Maximizing Android Camera, you can directly visit to Source.

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