
Google Now for Chrome

Google Now for Chrome
Google has announced Google Now for Chrome, that will bring its natural language voice search and intelligent personal assistant feature to all desktop user via Google Chrome browser. Google Now was one of the most appreciated feature for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean at the Google I/O last year. As its success Google extended its Google Now feature to its official search app for iOS device in late April. In this year’s Google I/O, Google showed how much it has improved its ‘Knowledge Graph’ and natural language ‘Conversational Search' to enhance user search experience with Google Now.

Google Now for Windows, Mac and Linux
For desktop PC user Google voice search was available via Chrome browser, but its advanced natural language voice search and intelligent personal assistant feature was absent on Windows, Mac and Linux system. After announcing Google Now for Chrome in this year’s Google I/O, Google is making sure all of its advanced search features are available for its user regardless of platform.
‘Ok Google’ – Button free Google Now Voice Search
The best part of Google Now for Chrome is, it’s completely voice-controlled, you don’t need to click or press any key to start your Google Now voice search. Simply say “Ok Google” to activate the voice search and ask your question or search with keywords. Google Now will show the result by matching your query with newly updated Knowledge Graph. If you ask any question about location and its distance, Google Now will tell you the distance of that location from you and show relevant information about that location including maps and photos. Google Now for Chrome will be available for desktop user in its next major release.

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